All businesses need the best leadership they can afford. Originally of course the company usually grows organically from one person selling their items or services and they get so busy that another person has to come on board to share the load or to do a specific task. Maybe the owner realises he doesn’t really relish the accounting side of the works but does like the development and manufacturing side. Then other folk need to be recruited to keep the administration and financial side of it all ticking over. That business plan all those years ago showing how you could return a decent little profit by year end will seem so small and insignificant but valuable lessons are there to be learned from the early days. To be a good business leader you need confidence. That is in your ability to do your job really well and also be able to demonstrate how you do the job well. They must be able to demonstrate a complete and thorough understanding of the company ethos and purpose so they can make informed business decisions. A good business leader does just that – they lead from the front but are always there with knowledge, not only how to do their job but how to show folk what they know about their job and how it affects the efficiency of the firm.
From Small Businesses Grow Leadership Acorns