If you could have funds trickling into your business acount in the same way having a bank of solar panels keeps your power trickling in, it would be fantastic, wouldn’t it. But before we can see start up businesses making so much money they can save some, they first need to ensure they have enough for their business venture to fully get going. There are various means of attracting start up loans, some come with more strings than others and some with very few. There will be rules and conditions attached to all. For the younger entrepreneur there is the Prince’s trust which is absolutely amazing in the way it supports ideas and works with the party to bring those to fruition. Some involve only expert advice and signposting to other appropriate agencies, and some require full on hand holding with finance. The Trust has a very comprehensive website with a mass of information. There are some really famous folk out on stage and in industry who were helped off the starting block by the Trust and of course, nw bank is a major partner and supporter too. Whenever I have a few £ in my nw cashback pot, I donate it to the Trust. I know it’s never going to be enough for much but over the years I have donated a few hundred £.
A Veritable Trust Young Start Ups Can Put Their Trust In